Mastering the Art of Compassionate Communication: Why Being Right Isn't Always Right
Hey there! It's Rad your friendly mindset coach.
Today, I want to share something profound, and I hope it resonates with you just as it did with me.
Ever found yourself in a heated debate, where you were so sure you were right? Your heart raced, your palms sweated, and your voice possibly got a little louder. I get it. We've all been there. I remember as a teenager, many times I went to such extremes that I go out and did some exhausting research just to bring those results to the discussion and prove my right. I wanted so badly to be right. We all want to be right. We want to prove our point. But at what cost?
We often convince ourselves that our motive is pure – we're helping someone see their mistake. That's the greater good, right? Is it though? Sometimes, if we dig a little deeper, we might find another, less noble motive. Maybe, just maybe, there's a tiny part of us that relishes the idea of someone else being wrong, admitting it, and maybe even feeling a bit embarrassed about it. Ouch. Tough pill to swallow, isn't it?
The Real Intention
It's essential to introspect. What's the real reason behind our urge to prove our point? Is it genuinely to help, or is it to boost our ego? Many mentors often talk about the significance of understanding our 'why'. If our intentions aren't clear, our actions might not yield the results we desire. Moreover, the whole idea of 'helping' others to see their mistakes, no matter the intentions, usually is quite costly. It might cost you friendship. Even more and more importantly it will cost you happiness and peace of mind.
A Better Way to Communicate
Being right isn't about shouting the loudest or putting someone down. It's about effective communication. It's about reaching a mutual understanding. A lot of speakers and authors often emphasize the power of kindness in communication. We all believe that compassion and understanding are not just softer approaches but more effective ones.
Consider the following scenario. Imagine a colleague who constantly disagrees with you in meetings. You might feel the urge to prove them wrong publicly. But what if you took them aside, had a coffee, and genuinely tried to understand their perspective? You might find common ground or even change your viewpoint. If not, at least you'd have a better understanding of where they're coming from.
Tips for You:
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes
Before jumping into an argument, try to see the situation from the other person's perspective. Understanding their point of view might not change your opinion, but it will give you a broader perspective.
Use Positivity Over Persistence
A smile can often achieve what a shout cannot. Be the person who brings warmth to a conversation, not heat. Marcus Aurelius once said, "The best revenge is not to be like your enemy." Let's not make conversations about revenge but about mutual respect and understanding.
Exercise Time
Every morning, as you start your day, stand in front of the mirror and say, "Every day, in every way, I am becoming more understanding and compassionate." This simple affirmation will set the tone for your day and help you approach disagreements with a fresh, positive perspective.
Your Objections Answered
You might think, "But Rad, I can't possibly be calm and understanding all the time!" or "Why is it me who needs to be the understanding one? Isn't that showing weakness?" And I get it. No one's perfect. But here's the deal: You will be able to remain calm and composed, even if you've had a history of heated debates. It's all about practice and mindset. And no, you are not showing weakness. In fairness you are showing strength by being compassionate and searching for agreements, allowing others to have their opinions and learn through their mistakes and experiences.
Your Support Options
Are you ready to transform your mindset and communication style? Join our Facebook #CanDoMindset_Community. It's a safe space where like-minded individuals support each other on this journey of mindset transformation. And if you ever feel stuck or need guidance, remember, I'm here for you. Through mindset coaching sessions, we can work together to help you navigate these challenges and emerge stronger and more understanding.
Stay positive, stay understanding, and remember, it's not about being right; it's about being effective, understanding and kind.
With all my best,
Rad - Your Mindset Coach
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